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Our rock stars are coming!

Stonefox, the stone artist has made some custom pieces for the show.  He will also be showing some of his previous works in the display. 

Here are some exciting previews of what is to come.  Be sure to sign up to our email list on our home page for a full preview of all of our rock stars. 

Don't forget to subscribe to our RSS Feed to stay current with all of the garden developments. 
We are so glad you found us, as you will find some enticing information about our garden display ahead of everyone else!  Be sure to sign up on our email list to be an instant V.I.G. (Very Important Gardener).  You will receive a backstage pass to all of the behind-the-scenes action here on the site as well as at the Garden Show.  You will also receive an invitation to attend our Virtual Premier where you can meet our Rock Stars! 

If you are a fan of the annual San Francisco Flower & Garden Show, we extend a special invitation to you to come visit our garden display at the show this year, held March 23-27, 2011.  Be sure to sign up on this site and bring your V.I.G. badge for special privileges.  We can't wait to see you there!